To all students willing to study in Japanese university

Dear applicants,
In order to fulfill the demand of international students applying for Japanese universities, JCAEMCE has been holding "Japan University Examination (JPUE)".

In the 2022 fiscal year, more than 5,000 students from five areas—Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the Philippines—are challenged to study in Japan through this examination.

Unlike the traditional study abroad method, this system has three characteristics that distinct us from others method.
"No prior learning in Japanese" "Application possible in the field you want to study" "No require to go to Japan until admission to university"

The standard route for studying at a university in Japan, which is "Study at a Japanese language school and then apply to a university", is no longer necessary. This is a new way to study abroad that burden of student can be reduced.

I hope students who are interested in studying in Japan will take a first step in their life by challenging this examination.
We look forward to you in the exam.
Former minister of MEXT / Director of JCAEMCE

Introduction on JCAEMCE

Representative Director Keizo Yamada (WISE EDUCATION GROUP- CEO)
Board of Directors Susumu Ishihara (Nihongoplat- Representative, Wakayama Broadcasting System- Advisor)
Wang Jixin (Waseda University- Teacher Education Researcher, Former University of Tokyo Study Abroad Center- Counselor)
Katsuki Hirayama (Association of International Educational Exchange- Representative Director)
International Officer SHIN, Kokui (Kansai University- Professor of Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Director of Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies)
Yang Meng-che (National Taipei University of Education- Professor)
K.C. Tan (HKU SPACE, University of Hong Kong- Associate Professor)
Huang Wengui (Simon Education Group- Chairman)
Councilors Ryoji Morita, Kunihiko Michiura
Auditor Noriko Komuta


Exam name

Japan University Examination (JPUE)


For those who wish to study in Japan, the basic academic achievement evaluation and interview examination will be conducted in this examination, and the admission conditions will be presented in accordance with the admission policy established by each university.
In addition, we will provide local education on basic Japanese language skills, which is the admission standard established by the university, and provides support and support for university admission without the need to visit Japan.


Japan China Asia Educational Medical Cultural Exchange Foundation (JCAEMCE) implemented with the cooperation of universities and related organizations in Japan and overseas.

Registered university

National / public / private University in Japan (For details, please check our site)


China (Shanghai and surroundings) areas, Hong Kong, Taiwan (Taipei), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh), Philippines (Manila), Vietnam (Hanoi)

Admission Policy

Students we will offer admission to should.

  • Possess Japanese-language proficiency to study in Japan,
    Or keep learning Japanese language perseveringly before studying in Japan,
  • Possess relevant basic professional knowledge of their majors in Japanese universities,
    Or keep learning professional knowledge perseveringly before studying in Japan,
  • Be self-disciplined, motivated and hungry for knowledge,
    Become professionals after graduating from Japan,
    And would like to devote themselves to the globalization led by Japan after graduation.

Official Office

JPUE is conducted, implemented and operated in cooperation with local educational institutions.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Tokyo office


Hong Kong office

九龍觀塘鴻圖道57號南洋廣場 605室